Friday, January 11, 2013

America's UFO subculture.....why it is still affecting a segment of the population

from Norio Hayakawa and the Civilian Intelligence UFOs, Aliens and Conspiracies, my bottom line on which I stand........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ (Please read): America's UFO subculture....why it is still affecting a segment of the population: Here are my personal best videos:...............................................................................................................................................................................Dulce, New Mexico underground base allegations.......................................................................................................................................................................Underground explosion near Dulce, New Mexico in 1967.................................................................................................................................................................................Area 51 in America's UFO subculture.........................................................................................................................................................................Origins of Dulce, New Mexico underground base rumors, Part 1.......................................................................................................................................................................................Origins of Dulce, New Mexico underground base rumors, Part 2...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Curious object over Dulce, New Mexico ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


    I do hope I can clearly get my points across without too much confusion.

    Let us start with a ball and place it in front of a mirror. We all know that a mirror is absolutely bound by only two dimensions; height and width.
    The ball’s reflection takes up a particular AREA of the mirror. In other words, it’s reflection DISPLACES a given AREA. It will do so as long as there is nothing else in the way.
    Thus, the second dimension is simply an IMAGE of the third dimension. Think about this for a minute before going deeper into my thoughts.
    Now remember, if the second dimension had intelligence, it could neither see the third dimension nor fathom such a thing; because it has two dimensional eyes and two dimensional thinking.
    Well we are in the same boat…we do not have 4th dimensional eyes nor 4th dimensional thinking.
    The “why?” it seems to me, is that we are simply an image of the 4th dimension. To put it another way, we are a three dimensional mirror.
    I will not pretend to understand nor visualize the concept of how the 4th dimension appears or functions; but I believe it makes clear to me what GRAVITY really is.
    Depending upon the VOLUME, not the mass of an object a certain amount of the 4th dimension is being DISPLACED, which we define as GRAVITY.
    EXAMPLE: When something is placed into water, it receives water pressure in accordance to it’s volume; not it’s mass. Although Jupiter is very large, it’s mass is not so great, but it’s gravity is greater than that of Earth….because of the greater VOLUME.
    To my thinking, it appears there is a parallel between the two examples.
    Remember the Bible tells us that God said, “Let us make man in our IMAGE.”
    Please give me your opinion: Richard Carlson…1514 Ambrose Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45224 E-mail address: Thanks for your participation.

    The more I think of the relationship of the 4th Dimension and gravity the more I believe it is, to us, the Spiritual realm.
    And with hints from the Bible, I believe it is divided up into what the Bible calls “Principalities.” The Bible tells us there is a Spiritual war going on with Principalities
    To me, I believe they are on different levels. Heaven is the highest level, which we are told in the Bible as having the “Third Heaven.”
    Having the 4th dimension surrounding us, it seems clear to me that those in the 4th dimension have the ability to cause unexplained things happening among us. Example, again from the Bible, we see that Enoch was taken up and never seen again. Also, think of how Phillip was suddenly transported hundreds of miles after baptizing the Ethiopian prince.
    Then again we look at Peter being released from his iron shackles, blind folded and being walked out of prison. These things do not happen in the 3D world we live in. Jesus, Himself was translated in and out of the 3rd Dimension.
    This also could be the explanation for UFO’s and crop circles, but I will leave all of what I’ve just said for you to use your own imaginations while you consider people that have visions and out of body experiences.
    That could give you some hours of dream-like adventures within your own minds.

  2. Thanks so much, Dick, for your interesting interpretation!
