Monday, June 4, 2012

Farm/ranch in Dulce, New Mexico for sale

June 4, 2012

from Norio Hayakawa at the Civilian Intelligence Central

E-mail =

Here is a letter than I just received (on June 2, 2012):


"Dear Mr Hayakawa, my name is (NAME WITHHELD).
I read about the tour you gave in Dulce New Mexico in May.

My mother owns a farm/ranch smack dab in the middle of Gomez Ranch which is now owned by the Jicarillas.

My email is to inform you that we are intending to sell the farm/ranch very soon.

I noticed you will be having a conference in California on June 16, and 17 th.
I thought you might mention to interested parties that the our property is for sale.

I am including a snapshot of a Jicarilla map.
Our ranch is the white spot in the middle of the Gomez Ranch site.

The ranch in question is east of Mundo Lake , North of Enbom Lake and South of the highway, between J-8 and US 64. It is on the the Gomez ranch consisting of 440 acres. It is just northeast of the Dulce airport.

In fact one of the cattle mutilations that occurred in the 70's occurred almost on our fence line.

My brother knows exactly where as he and my father (who is now deceased) saw the mutilated cow.

Would't it be awesome if you and your affiliates could buy and build a center on the property that would help you further your studies on UFO research?

The land is 70% usable for organic dry land farming.

It has a spring for water and is abundant in elk and other wildlife.

The land runs adjacent to highway 64/84and is three miles from the paved highway.

Please let me know if this is something you would be interested in.

Thank you so much.



We are not Jicarilla. We are Spanish. Our ranch is a private ranch. It was U.S. patented land under the homestead act of 1862. My dad purchased it in about 1950 from my grandfather. The Gomez ranch was also a private ranch at one time and only fairly recently purchased by the Jicarilla Apache Nation.

As for the price that is yet to be determined based on market value and value to other possible interested purchasers."


Here is the latest that I received from (NAME WITHHELD)


"Norio, to be more specific on the ranch regarding price, one interested party from Texas whom we did not solicit but who approached us, is offering $880,000. My mom will sell as soon as she gets $1,000000. Maybe a consortium of buyers could come up with the money for a chance at (almost) cattle mutilation ground zero.

Something is going on in those hills.

Thanks again." (from NAME WITHHELD)



Certainly this seems like an ideal location. I know the general area of this location since Edmund Gomez showed me part of this ranch in 2011.
And also when I talked with the Public Relations Officer in Dulce last month, he seemed to show an interest in a near-future large conference to be held in well as my suggestion of establishing some kind of a research center in Dulce.


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