Friday, September 17, 2010

Behind the mysterious crash of a helicopter near Area 51 in 1991

from Norio Hayakawa at Civilian Intelligence Central

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Review of the most important behind-the-scenes event of 1991:
What was behind an 'accidental crash' of a helicopter near Area 51 in 1991?


September 17, 2010
by Norio Hayakawa


- courtesy of Colin Brown, publisher of TECHNICAL CONSULTANT, who first revealed to us in 1991 his claims of initial contact with a Naval Intelligence group called COM-12 -

- in memory of the late Michael Younger who first contacted us with his claims of his position as a liaison person for COM-12 in 1992 -

The following article comes from the 'TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT' Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue:


The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious implications.
What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of journalists all over the world.

The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel 'Danny' Casolaro was found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with accompanying notes, was missing.
The book, provisionally titled 'The Octopus', was meant to be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department under the Reagan administration. Time Magazine also reported that Casolaro's research centered on gambling and attempted arms deals at the Cabazon reservation near Indio,California.

Indeed, the scope of Casolaro's investigation was so large that any one of a large number of areas of research could have been the trigger for a possible hit.
While authorities declared his death a suicide, his relatives definitely stated that Casolaro's mental state was sound, indeed upbeat, after the completion of his book.

Casolaro started his work nearly two years before, investigating the bankrupting of a small computer software company called Inslaw, allegedly by the U.S. Justice Department.
INSLAW, a company headed by Bill and Nancy Hamilton of Washington D.C., had developed a package known as PROMIS - short for Prosecutor's Management Information System - to act as a case management tool for the Justice Department's unwieldy work load.
Inslaw President Bill Hamilton has claimed that Ed Meese associate Earl Brian was given control of pirated versions of the PROMIS software by Meese to sell back to different U.S. government agencies for great profit.

Two courts have so far agreed with Hamilton, awarding an 8 million dollar judgment, but a higher court of appeal has quashed the award and the verdict, declaring that it was not the jurisdiction of the lower courts. As of October 9, the case has moved into the realm of the Supreme Court.
Earl Brian owns United Press International (UPI) and Financial News Network (FNN).

According to a Washington man, who claims to have modified the cobol-based software for the CIA and other intelligence agencies, the software was a reward for Earl Brian's role in arranging the so-called 'October Surprise' gambit, the alleged conspiracy to withhold the American hostages in Iran until after the 1980 election which saw Carter removed from power. The 'October Surprise' scandal has taken some time to emerge.

In a Paris meeting, President Bush is alleged to have met with Ali Akabar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the speaker of the Iranian Parliament, Mohammed Ali Rajai, the future President of Iran and Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer with connections to Mossad, according to Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher who claims to have flown Bush, William Casey -- the CIA chief -- and Donald Gregg, a CIA operative to that location. Russbacher, who made these allegations in May is now in jail on Terminal Island, convicted on the charge of impersonating a U.S. Attorney.

The Washington man is Michael Riconosciuto who is now waiting for a trial in a Washington jail on conspiracy to sell drugs charges, charges which Riconosciuto claims are manufactured. Indeed, the charge made against Riconosciuto were made one week after Riconosciuto authored and signed an affidavit describing his role in modifying the pirated software.
The affidavit also claimed that he (Michael Riconosciuto), had been contacted by phone and threatened by Peter Videnieks - a Justice Department employee and Customs official who Riconosciuto alleged had intelligence ties - as to the possible consequences of his going public with certain information.

According to Riconosciuto, Videnieks was a frequent visitor to the Cabazon Indian reservation near Palm Springs and visited with tribal manager, John P. Nichols.
Nichols was in essence Riconosciuto's boss in a number of enterprises conducted on reservation land and the PROMIS modification was just one of these projects.
According to Riconosciuto, in an interview with T.C. conducted from jail, the PROMIS software was modified to install a backdoor access for use by American intelligence services. The software was then sold to 88 different countries as a sort of 'Trojan horse' package enabling us to access their intelligence systems. According to Riconosciuto these countries included Iraq and Libya.

Correspondence between Nichols and other companies, if authentic, indicates that Riconosciuto's claims of his expertise in the area of electronics and armaments appear to be true.
Marshall Riconoscuito, Michael's father, is a reputed former business partner of Richard Nixon.
According to Riconosciuto, the fuzzy status of reservation land as 'sovereign' allowed elements of the CIA and organized crime to conduct business uniquely.
Among the projects worked on during this time were joint projects with WACKENHUT, a company loaded with former CIA and NSA personnel and business ventures with the Saudi Arabian royal family and other unusual projects.

A joint venture with Southern California Edison will soon be generating power for bio-mass drawn from local waste outlets. Biological warfare projects were investigated with Stormont laboratories looking into the creation of 'pathogenic viruses' and enhanced fuel-air explosive weapons were created and tested in league with Meridian Arms at the NEVADA TESTING RANGE which matched the explosive power of nuclear devices.
These enhanced weapons gained their power from polarizing the molecules in the gas cloud by modification of the electric field, a technology developed from exploring Thomas Townsend Brown's suppressed work, a knowledge which Riconosciuto claims he gained from working at LEAR in Reno, Nevada.

Riconosciuto is said to have worked on the enhanced fuel-air explosive weapons with Gerald Bull of Space Research Corporation. Bull, now deceased, later became an arms advisor to Saddam Hussein. It is said that HUSSEIN POSSESSES THE FAE TECHNOLOGY.

In July, Anson Ng, a reporter for the Financial Times of London was shot and killed in Guatemala. He had reportedly been trying to interview an American there named Jimmy Hughes, a one-time director of security for the Cabazon Indian Reservation secret projects.

In April, a Philadelphia attorney named Dennis Eisman was found dead, killed by a single bullet in his chest. According to a former federal official who worked with Eisman, the attorney was found dead in the parking lot where he had been due to meet with a woman who had crucial evidence to share substantiating Riconosciuto's claims.
Both Eisman's and Ng's deaths were declared suicides by authorities.

Fred Alvarez, a Cabazon tribal leader who was in vocal opposition to the developments on the reservation, was found shot to death with two friends in 1981. Their murder remains unsolved.
The leader of the House, Thomas Foley, announced last month that a formal inquiry will be initiated into the Inslaw case. Foley appointed Senator Terry Sanford as co-chairman of the joint congressional panel. Prior to his election, Senator Sanford was the attorney representing Earl Brian in his 1985 takeover bid for United Press International and was instrumental in appointing Earl Brian, a medical doctor, to the board of Duke Medical School, of which Sanford is President.

However, despite repeated requests from journalists to produce photographs showing Riconosciuto together with Brian, and requests to produce his passport showing his alleged trip to Iran, he has not yet done so. Also Riconosciuto failed to be able to describe Peter Videnieks to CNN's Moneyline program, claiming a medical condition prevented him from remembering clearly.
This led one former intelligence operative to speculate that we may be witnessing a very sophisticated intelligence operation being played out in public.

Former F.B.I. Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, speaks for Riconosciuto's credibility. Gunderson, who lives in Manhattan Beach, has worked with Riconosciuto for many years in his capacity as private investigator.
Together, according to Gunderson, they were responsible for thwarting a terrorist operation during the Los Angeles Olympics. According to Gunderson, Riconosciuto was well known in certain circles as a genius in almost all sciences.

The so-called drug operation broken up in Washington State was an electrohydrodynamic mining operation claimed Gunderson, using Townsend Brown technology. A videotape viewed by this journalist revealed metallic powders and apparent processes unrelated to drug manufacture. Indeed, a government analysis of soil samples revealed the absence of drug contamination, but a high concentration of barium. Barium is often found in high voltage related work.
Unsubstantiated information from an intelligence source claims that the current situation is THE VISIBLE EFFECT OF A WAR CURRENTLY GOING ON IN THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY between a group centered in the CIA called AQUARIUS (around a powerful center known as MJ-12) and a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval Intelligence. COM-12 is reputedly trying to sustain a rearguard action to sustain and preserve constitutional government and is deliberately LEAKING INFORMATION damaging to the former group."

In the same publication, same issue, there appeared a follow-up article just following the one given above. Written by Thomas Zed, the article, titled "WACKENHUT'S CONNECTION WITH THE BLACK PROJECT WORLD" stated:

"The Wackenhut company has a very close connection to the world of BLACK BUDGET PROJECTS. Besides being connected with the Cabazon venture mentioned in this issue it is also responsible, according to jailed computer consultant Michael Riconosciuto, for the secret projects being undertaken in Dulce, New Mexico where the Jicarilla Indian Reservation is being similarly used.

After sending two of my colleagues there recently AND RECEIVING CONFIRMATION THAT THERE WAS A TOP SECRET MILITARY TYPE INSTALLATION, I decided to call the newspaper office and make an educated bluff.
I identified myself as a freelance reporter from Los Angeles -- and told the newspaper that I was doing a story on the Cabazon reservation biological warfare projects that had been undertaken there on behalf of the CIA. I told her that I had heard that there were similar things being done in Dulce and would like to know what was going on.

The official I spoke to became frightened and said, 'I can't talk to you about that! It would be very unprofessional of me to talk to you about that. You'll have to speak to the President of the tribe.' She then hung up.

I have yet to call back and ask the President of the tribe, but will report on that in the next issue.
Wackenhut is also responsible for security of a lot of underground facilities in California and Nevada, including the notorious S-4 or AREA 51 in Nevada where Townsend Brown flying disk technology (written about in a T.C. recent issue) has been flying and developing for decades.

A recent helicopter crash at the area, where two pilots and three security guards from Wackenhut flying in a Messerschmit BO-105 helicopter were killed was not at all accidental claimed Riconosciuto, who said that the individuals aboard the helicopter were traveling with sensitive documents.

Groups are now investigating Riconosciuto's claims".


As you can see, there had been an undeniable presence of Wackenhut Corporation, or Wackenhut Security Systems at the Nevada Test Site in the 1990s, and their working relationship with the Department of Energy's Special Response Teams.

I had personally met Robert Booth Nichols ("formerly" with WACKENHUT and who initially seemed to have been accused of holding pertinent information on the death of Danny Casolaro) in June of 1992 when we organized a public seminar that attempted to expose WACKENHUT and its secret dealings with the "BLACK PROJECTS" programs, some of which is indirectly related to the military weapons testing at certain locations within the Nellis Air Force Range. The seminar, attended by about 250 people was held in Arcadia (June of 1992).
The seminar was sponsored by the Civilian Intelligence Network (I was director then) and my colleague Gary Schulz and also co-sponsored by a Michael Younger who claimed to have been a liaison person of a group then known as COM 12.
Ted Gunderson, former FBI Agent-in-charge of Los Angeles was one of our guests at the conference. He confirmed to us that George Pender, formerly with NSA was also in attendance.
By the way, at another conference held in Anaheim a few months later, I had an opportunity to meet with the wife of Michael Riconosciuto who "happened" to attend my presentations on AREA 51.

Here is some more on Robert Booth Nichols as it appeared on an article on American Free Press years ago:


The man who attempted to sell the Army biological warfare technology through Wackenhut Corporation, Robert Booth Nichols, originally facilitated the project at the California-based research corporation under the auspices of Meridian Arms, a subsidiary of Meridian International Logistics, Inc. (MIL).

The Cabazon-Wackenhut Joint Venture had spawned a partnership between Nichols and Michael Riconosciuto, who sits in prison after being convicted on drug-related charges that he contends are trumped-up for the purpose of silencing his "inside" knowledge about a variety of high-level shenanigans. (for example, some weapons-related programs at parts of Nevada Test Site).
Both Nichols and Riconosciuto were interested in developing new, high-tech submachine guns, biological weapons and powerful explosive devices that, like a nuclear blast, could produce an electromagnetic pulse capable of wiping out an enemy's communications and electronics systems.
Corporate minutes of MIL, dated August 26, 1988, along with signed agreements, revealed that biological technology labeled "The Method for Induction and Activation of Cytotoxic T-Lympocytes" were handed over to the Japanese for further research.The corporate minutes noted that a grant, or "donation" was provided by MIL to a Japanese medical school for exlusive training of physicians "under contract to and under the direction of Meridian International Logistics, Inc".

The board of directors at MIL included Robert Booth Nichols, a licensed arms importer/exporter; Glenn Shockley, a CIA asset; Peter Zokosky, former owner of Armtech, at that time the sole supplier of 120 mm combustible cartridge cases to the U.S. government; and Harold Okimoto. Intelligence sources believed Okimoto to be a high-ranking member of Japan's Yakuza crime syndicate.

(Interestingly enough, Mr. Okimoto was also present, or "happened" to be attending the seminar at Arcadia when we attempted to expose WACKENHUT's involvement in the Black Projects fact I remember exchanging a few words with him when I was introduced to him by some of the attendees at the conference.)

Nichols also held permits to sell machine guns overseas. In obtaining the required California permits to possess and sell machine guns, Nichols received a recommendation from a CIA official named Larry Curan.Nichols says he was contracted to ship 42 Cobra helicopters to overseas warehouses.

The biological technology, which he attempted to sell through Wackenhut, had been incubated in cow uteruses 20 floors beneath the ground in California bio-labs and shipped to five Japanese institutes for further research and development.Nichols says the identity of the governments sponsoring the research was classified. One thing researchers want to know is why an international arms dealer would fund Japanese scientists in 1988 to research "a method for induction and activation of Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes?"

Some wonder if there is a link between Nichols dealing in germ warfare and the Japanese research.The answer may lie in microbiological research conducted by Garth L.Nicolson, Ph.D., Department of Tumor Biology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.Nicolson says tens of thousands of Desert Storm veterans suspected of having Gulf War Syndrome were refused medical treatment to hide the possible origin and use of biological weapons during the Gulf War.

Veterans' family members were also denied treatment, according to the doctor. "55% OF GWS (Gulf War Syndrome) vets are suffering from a few types of mycoplasmas, such as "Mycoplasma fermentans", Nicolson wrote. "This one strain alone accounts for 35% of the total. This disease is particularly vicious against the very young, and I have a list of approximately 600 babies less than 2 years old that have died from the illness".

Nicolson said it was ironic that his work on the HIV-1 virus and AIDS also pointed to the same agenda -biological warfare." The mycoplasma we found in GWS, we strongly believe, was 'engineered' and did not evolve naturally", he noted."6000 soldiers have died since the Gulf War...the number of U.S. dead is being hidden from the American public."Staff members high up in the VA Central Command in Washington D.C. secretly sent me about a two-foot high stack of records documenting the deaths", Nicolson added.The doctor also treated a dying military intelligence officer who confirmed the origin and sale of illegal biological weapons to Iraq. He said those weapons were subsequently used against U.S. soldiers in Desert Storm.Nicolson urged researchers to investigate Tanox Biosystems, Inc. in Houston, Texas.

"If someone can nail a few of these operations, then perhaps the U.S. government will give up on illegal, immoral biological weapons programs", he said. Apparently Nichols inadvertently "nailed" one operation. A secret desire to write about his exploits with the CIA had led him to contact Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America, through his corporate partner Gene Giaquinto. The three met at the Beverly Hills Hotel where Nichols attempted to sell Valenti a manuscript disclosing top secret CIA technology.

Nichols later said Valenti refused the manuscript because it contained"classified national security information". Valenti once served asassistant to President Lyndon B. Johnson.Unknown to the CIA, Nichols had copyrighted the material at the Library of Congress under the pseudonym Robert B. LeDevoiller. The 20-page manuscript, entitled ACCEPTABLE CASUALTY.


Norio Hayakawa

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