Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Roswell incident. Was it hastily "staged" to cover something else?

from Norio Hayakawa at Civilian Intelligence Central

E-mail = noriohayakawa@gmail.com

The Roswell incident of 1947. Was it hastily "staged" to cover something else?

In 1945, immediately after the end of World War II, the U.S. brought in many German scientists and engineers (as well as some former SS intelligence officers) to New Mexico through a program called Operation Paperclip.

After arriving at Wright Patterson Army Air Field in Ohio, it is said that many were initially stationed at Albuquerque's Kirtland Army Air Field (present Kirtland Air Force Base). Some of the scientists and engineers were then trasferred to Los Alamos.
Some others were transferred to White Sands Missile Ranges.
Many of the German engineers played some significant roles in the development and testing of U.S. rocketry in the late 1940's.

The U.S. military also secretly began to test-fly several prototypes of unconventional, flying wing aircraft (some with Ramjet engines) which the Germans developed in the early 1940's, including a few of the Horten brothers' flying wings.
It is said that one of the Horten brothers' flying wing aircraft may have reached even speeds of up to 600 miles per hour when tested in Germany in 1943.

It is said that, with the help of these scientists and engineers, the U.S. military secretly conducted these tests over the deserts of southern New Mexico in 1946 and 1947. Other flight tests may also have been conducted in wide areas in the Western states, extending from Washington all the way to Texas.

These prototypes of flying wing aircraft were basically crescent-shaped. Some others were delta-shaped or manta ray-shaped.

Accidental crashes of some of these craft may have necessitated the creation (and even "staging") of convenient "cover stories".

So, what actually did happen near Roswell, in July of 1947?

The bottom line is that there is no hard, tangible, solid, physical, irrefutable, documentary evidence that a physical, extraterrestrial spacecraft crashed outside of Roswell in July of 1947.

But something did happen outside of Roswell.

It is extremely difficult to conceive in my mind that any highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization, traversing through this vast space and arriving at our earth would even "crash".

The concept of something "crashing" is simply a typical human concept.
It is only a human, limited, "linear" viewpoint bound by a uni-dimensional, "empirical" thinking.
Any highly advanced civilization (that could even penetrate our dimensional barrier in a non-linear fashion) would never have such accidents, in my opinion.

Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist and one of the most brilliant minds of our time, states that in this wide universe there ought to be civilizations somewhere else besides our earth.
However Stephen Hawking also states that no aliens have ever come or will ever come to earth in UFOs. (What Stephen Hawking was referring to was UFOs as physical alien spacecraft.)

The late Carl Sagan, who was also one of the most brilliant minds of our time, basically said the same thing.

If given a choice to choose between Stephen Hawking and "ufologists", I will definitely go with Stephen Hawking.

So, in conclusion, if there were indeed such a "crash" near Roswell in 1947, the only way it could have been a "crash" would have been if it were intentionally "staged".

Norio Hayakawa




  1. Firstly it is quite possible to prepare a crash to cover something. But i really don't understand something. What does it mean "The concept of something "crashing" is simply a typical human concept.
    It is only a human, limited, "linear" viewpoint bound by a uni-dimensional, "empirical" thinking."
    Do you mean an advanced civilization never crashs or nothing can go wrong if they do something?
    And secondly how can Stephen Hawking
    and Carl Sagan be sure that there ought to be some civilizations other than us and they never come here and ever will come with or without UFO? Why? Is there a wall not permitting them to come? Maybe they think it has quite small possiblity to find this planet among many others. But again how can they be sure that they will not come to this planet? If they are advanced -even they may be more advanced that us that can not be compared with us anyway-and they have time (millions or billions of years before and after today), it is not impossible that any extraterrestial can come to earth. Even we can detect many planets those are many light years away from us.
    May be they think that it can not be viable with a phsyical vehicle? But it seems to be -as you say- an example of ampiric or somehow linear thought of our knowledge about the matter and universe. Do we know all the the possiblities that may exist and all the laws that proven to be unbreakable?

  2. Firstly it is quite possible to prepare a crash to cover something. But i really don't understand something. What does it mean "The concept of something "crashing" is simply a typical human concept.
    It is only a human, limited, "linear" viewpoint bound by a uni-dimensional, "empirical" thinking."
    Do you mean an advanced civilization never crashs or nothing can go wrong if they do something?
    And secondly how can Stephen Hawking
    and Carl Sagan be sure that there ought to be some civilizations other than us and they never come here and ever will come with or without UFO? Why? Is there a wall not permitting them to come? Maybe they think it has quite small possiblity to find this planet among many others. But again how can they be sure that they will not come to this planet? If they are advanced -even they may be more advanced that us that can not be compared with us anyway-and they have time (millions or billions of years before and after today), it is not impossible that any extraterrestial can come to earth. Even we can detect many planets those are many light years away from us.
    May be they think that it can not be viable with a phsyical vehicle? But it seems to be -as you say- an example of ampiric or somehow linear thought of our knowledge about the matter and universe. Do we know all the the possiblities that may exist and all the laws that are proven to be unbreakable?
