Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A 1990 photo of an object above Area 51

from Norio Hayakawa at Civilian Intelligence Central

A 1990 photo of an object above Area 51, taken by Gary Schultz

This fascinating photo was taken by my colleague, Gary Schultz (of Santa Monica) on Wednesday, February 28, 1990, ca. 9:00 p.m., witnessed by his wife, Pearl Schultz.

It was taken near the mailbox at the "mailbox road", near the 29 1/2 mile marker, Highway 375, Tikaboo Valley, Lincoln County, Nevada.

This spot is very close to the spot where exactly one week earlier (on Wednesday, February 21, 1990) I had brought a Nippon Television crew from Japan to try to document a test-flight of an object described to us by Robert Lazar in an interview we had at his residence earlier in Las Vegas).

Gary Schultz took this photo from the dirt road looking due South towards the Jumbled Hills and the Groom Mountains.

He said he used a Nikon Action Touch 35 mm camera (35 mm, f 2.8 lens), exposure unascertainable, 1600 ASA Fujicolor film.

He described this object as possibly an H-PAC (human-piloted alien craft) courtesy of the then existent Project Galileo, U.S. Navy's alleged covert program near Papoose Lake, a.k.a. Area S-4 ("secret saucer facility"), Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada.

My gratitude goes to Gary Schultz who gave me permission to post his historic photo on YouTube.


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