Friday, December 25, 2009

More mysterious booms in San Diego..12/23/2009..more new projects at Area 51 and Creech AFB in Nevada

It seems that both Creech AFB as well as Area 51 in Nevada are active as ever, with various new projects, including newer generations of UAVs as well as UCAVs, in addition to possible newer hypersonic spy planes.

Here is a post (December 23, 2009) found on the net:



It happened again. An earthquake hit San Diego, but Scripps Institute later said it wasn't the earth shaking, it was a "compression wave originating one hundred miles off the coast."
I have been living on the coast here for thirty years, between North Island Naval Air Station and Miramar, and I have heard dozens of sonic booms.
This was no sonic boom.
Fire Departments here evacuated engines, 911 was deluged with calls, it was far more dramatic, lasted much longer, and felt very different than a sonic boom.
The same damn thing happened a couple years ago.
Both times the military stated that they had no operations at the time, and they had no idea. Scripps said they had no idea what it was...could this be a flying vehicle nobody knows about, travelling at a "hyper velocity" to Nevada from the Pacific?


Here is the newspaper article on the San Diego mysterious boom:

Here is another recent news item out of Nevada: OUT OF NEVADA COMES 'BEAST' ---- Area 51 and Creech AFB

Also, Northrop Grummans seems to have this on its drawing board, a possible follow-up to B-2 BOMBER


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Global warming scam exposed on TV program (shown on Dec. 16, 2009)

Here is an interesting TV program (shown on December 16, 2009) on

I commend former governor Jesse Ventura for bringing this up on prime time TV.


Strange events continue over Hessdalen, Norway

This may have little (or nothing) to do with the recently much discussed alleged Russian missile launch seen over Norway, but it seems that


If you watch the first few videos on the above page you will see what I mean.


Norio Hayakawa

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

The dark secrets of HAARP Project discussed on TV program - Jesse Ventura's first episode of CONSPIRACY THEORY show

Here is a must-see first episode of Jesse Ventura's CONSPIRACY THEORY shown on TruTV on December 2, 2009:

Most of us who have been into conspiracy theories have been hearing about the HAARP Project since around the early 1990s.
But I am so glad that Jesse Ventura picked up HAARP as his first episode on his new TV program, CONSPIRACY THEORY.
I hope the public-at-large will become aware of this rather secretive, somewhat strange project.

I remember CNN reporting around early 1993 that the U.S. military may have used some type of Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) experiments during the initial phases of the Iraq War.

Part of the alleged military PSYOPS program may have involved some use of concentrated radio frequency waves to alter the minds of some Iraqi soldiers.

Some also even speculate that the military may have experimented on some limited holographic projections devices for PSYOPS at that time.

The reason I brought this up was because CNN was said to have acquired some information on this matter in March or early April of 1993 after allegedly receiving a tip from an FBI official who was said to have divulged that FBI was planning to seek assistance from a Dr. Igor Smirnov of Moscow Academy of Medicine who was a specialist in the use of a new efficient device that would emit certain radio frequency waves and would possibly help in ending a US cultic group seige at Waco, Texas. However, the seige ended on April 19, 1993.

What is interesting is here is that the DOD, through a clandestine group within the military may already have experimented earlier with its own similar device in the initial phases of the Gulf War.

In addition to the weather modification strategies over the battlefield, HAARP's future applications seem to include a much larger-scale PSYOPS strategy of projecting certain images (such as religious figures) by converting part of the ionosphere into a virtual screen for such projections.

In this regards, some aspects of the HAARP project seem to relate very much to the alleged Project Blue Beam plan of NASA, although evidence is hard to come by.

I remember talking personally about all this with Dr. Nick Begich, author of ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP when I interviewed him around 1996 or 1997.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Jesse Ventura for president in 2012!!

Jesse Ventura is the real man.
I will fully support Jesse Ventura if he ever decides to run for presidency in 2012.
He is straightforward, down-to-earth, honest, sincere, compassionate and above all, has lots and lots of common sense.
He is never afraid of asking questions.
He cuts through all the BS that is so prevalent among today's so-called politicians.
We need Jesse Ventura more than ever today.
Run, Jesse, run in 2012!!

Jesse Ventura/Ron Paul would definitely be the ideal team in 2012.
Let's make it happen!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

2012: it's all about our personal transformation!!

by Norio Hayakawa
November 13, 2009

The topic of 2012 will continue to be a hot topic among some people as we approach that year and date.
But realistically everybody knows that 2012 is not about the end of the world.
The hype about 2012 being the end of the world has been brought about largely by those who have to thrive on such hype, such as movie producers, survival kit business owners and writers who depend on selling books.
To many, 2012 is a business opportunity.
There is nothing wrong with business enterprises per se. It's as human as it can be.

We all know and believe that the world will go on and on.
Even the Bible seems to indicate that it will go on.
The system of things may change drastically in the future but the world itself will go on.
The hype about 2012 is also based upon humanity's feeling of insecurity, especially during these difficult and uncertain times, whether from worsening economic downturns or fears and threats of wars and terrorism or from speculations that our environment will deteriorate and will cause global destruction.

To begin with, 2012 is not about the year itself of 2012.
It's only about one particular day, i.e., December 21 of 2012.
There will probably be nothing earth-shaking at all in the year 2012. The Olympic Games will be taking place. U.S. Presidential elections will be going on. Life will go on as usual. Of course, among a segment of the population the hype about December 21, 2012 will continue to accelerate until that date arrives.

However, December 21, 2012 will come and go.
The only thing unique about December 21, 2012 (or in some calculations, December 23) is that it marks the end of a calendar cycle used by the ancient Mayan civilization.
In this sense, December 21, 2012 will be just like a New Year's Eve to those who are very much into the Mayan calendar.

So I don't see why we should not join them and have a celebration, since another cycle will begin immediately after that date (or in some calculations, December 23, 2012).
In fact I suggest that humanity, as individuals, or as individual family units or in various groups, should gather together on that day all over the world and have a celebration of life and a time of personal meditation.

It could be held on a mountaintop or in the desert or in any location of natural beauty where one could feel good vibrations. It could be held in any of the so-called sacred sites around the world. Or it could be held in homes, backyards, places of worship or in community centers or just about anyplace. The important thing is that people gather together to celebrate and meditate.

We all make New Year's resolutions, don't we? Or, at least we try to. The same with December 21, 2012.

It's the beginning of a new cycle, and we all want to transform ourselves for the better.
2012 is all about personal transformation, not about catastrophic earth changes (although we cannot rule our anything!! LOL!!).

Real changes come from within. The world will change for the better if we all make an effort to shift our attitudes, thoughts and actions.
This paradigm shift will not happen suddenly, although some say that it will be brought about supernaturally. I personally believe that it will be a gradual shift.

This world will change for the better if each of us could change in some ways, for example, if we:

1) begin to abandon our self-centered attitudes (i.e., the "I, I, I" and "me, me, me" worldview) and begin to think of others more and understand others' feelings.
Ethnocentricity should be de-emphasized.
National boundaries and national identities should still be important but we should first consider ourselves as citizens of the earth (or even better yet, Citizens of Heaven) more than just being citizens of a particular nation.
Global consciousness must become the dominant consciousness.
Or, even going further, cosmic consciousness, that we are all one and part of the human and cosmic family.

2) begin to de-emphasize our linear method of thinking and look beyond the physical and begin to acknowledge that this wonderful world is filled with mysteries and that there are things and even entities (the bulk of whom we believe are benevolent towards us) unseen in this world that co-exist with us.

In a larger scale, we must acknowledge that there are countless number of intelligent entities whether in physical or non-physical forms (the bulk of whom we believe are benevolent towards us) in the entire cosmos and that eventual contacts with them may be inevitable.

3) begin to make our spiritual health a priority while we do our best to keep ourselves in good health.
Material pursuit (beyond what is necessary for our basic survival) must be decreased, if not totally abandoned.

4) begin to de-emphasize our denominational religious structure and organized religion in general.
We must move away from superficial religiosity and seek for true spirituality.

5) begin to acknowledge that this entire universe was intelligently designed by a Creator (or Creators) whether we call the creator a God (or Gods), and that each of us is a unique creation and that we are not here by coincidence.
We must begin to re-appreciate and enjoy every moment of our precious lives and begin to thank everyday for our breathe of life.
We must believe that our physical death is not the end of everything.
In fact we must believe that there is an afterlife and that physical death is simply the beginning of a new life.

6) begin to think that now is the most important moment in our life, not yesterday, not tomorrow, but NOW.

If more than 50% of the world will begin to have a personal transformation based on some of these outlook on life, perhaps we will then be ready for a real global Disclosure of Truth, whatever that Disclosure may be that will be coming.

Therefore let us all look forward to December 21, 2012 as the beginning of a new day.
By the way, we do not have to wait for December 21, 2012 to begin to make our personal transformation.
In fact, we should start it right now.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lonnie Zamora, former patrol officer (1964 Socorro, New Mexico UFO incident) passed away on November 2, 2009

I was quite saddened to learn of the passing away of Lonnie Zamora (1933- Nov. 2, 2009).
He was a former patrol officer of Socorro, New Mexico, who, on April 24 of 1964, reported a truly amazing flying saucer sighting in the desert outside the town. It was one of the most well-known UFO cases in history.

I clearly remember seeing the news article on April 25 on the front page of a newspaper in Japan. The headline was: POLICE OFFICER SEES SAUCER SITTING ON SAND.

That news item had a tremendous impact on me.
I probably would never have gotten myself involved in this intriguing field of ufology had it not been for the Lonnie Zamora incident.

I can say that the Socorro incident was one of several reasons I decided to come to New Mexico in 1965. I had a pleasure of briefly conversing with him on the phone a few years ago. He was a very courteous and kind man. He will be greatly missed.

Here is an article about his passing away and a well-written eulogy by Ray Stanford:

Friday, October 23, 2009

The difference between a UFO conspiracy theorist and a UFO conspiratologist

by Norio Hayakawa
October 23, 2009

In the dictionary the word “conspiratology” has not been officially recognized.
It is a word that was claimed to have been coined by several individuals over the last couple of decades.
To the best of my knowledge, one of the first persons to have coined that word was Gary Schultz of Santa Monica, California, who was a former colleague of mine in the early 1990s when I was leading an informal group called the Civilian Intelligence Network.

Here is my definition of “conspiratology”:

Conspiratology is a comprehensive study on the origins, the role and effects of beliefs in conspiracy theories on society.
It is a general study on why beliefs in conspiracy theories or conspiratorial worldview are deeply ingrained in the psyche of a segment of human society.
(The Newsweek Magazine made a comment a few years ago that beliefs in conspiracy theories have become as American as apple pie.)

There are many conspiracy theorists but conspiratologists seem to be few in number.
It is important to bear in mind that a conspiratologist himself may or may not necessarily subscribe to any conspiracy theory. However, if he does, he is expected to give an impression to the public that he does not subscribe to conspiracy theories.

He simply is expected to study and evaluate the impact of beliefs in conspiracy theories on society and how people’s beliefs in such theories could be manipulated or benefited by an individual or individuals (who may or may not represent an organized group, such as certain governmental intelligence agencies or the military), partly in order to bring about certain agenda, to conceal certain agenda, or to detract attention away from certain agenda, such as muddying the waters of certain agenda.
Creation and manipulation of certain “cover stories” play a vital role in such operations.

Many large defense contractors seem to have some specialists who create “cover stories” as a means to mislead curiosity seekers among the civilian public especially during the times of certain Black Project programs testing phases.

For example, a creation and manipulation of such “cover stories” may have taken place during the early 1980s to the early 1990s when several sensitive projects such as the stealth technology, hypersonic spy planes as well as remotely-controlled platforms such as UAVs and UCAVs programs were conducted at locations such as at Area 51. Bringing about the “laughter curtain” to the public (for example., creation of “flying saucers” stories or “alien” technology stories) to the goings-on at the Groom complex in Nevada seems to have been a brilliant strategy conceived by both the defense contractors and the Department of the Air Force.

Going back to the idea of the manipulation of beliefs in conspiracy theories, it is said that on occasion, an individual or individuals (who may or may not represent an organized group such as certain governmental intelligence agencies or the military), may even assume and play the role of a “conspiracy theorist”, posing himself as one (i.e., implanting himself as a “mole” in a segment of society, such as among UFO organizations like MUFON, etc.) in order to gather information on what the public or a segment of the public knows about certain specific agenda.

Immediately after the end of World War II, when a large number of former German scientists, engineers and SS intelligence officers were brought to the U.S. to places such as Kirtland Army Air Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico (present-day Kirtland AFB) in 1945 (through the U.S. program called Operation Paperclip), the U.S. did benefit from acquisition of SS officers’ know-hows in intelligence operations and techniques.

The German officers were skilled in the use of certain intelligence operations and strategies, such as the use and manipulation of misinformation along with creation of disinformation, as well as intentional “staging” of certain events to deflect the enemy’s espionage attempts to scrutinize sensitive projects being conducted.

By the way, many German scientists were transferred to places in New Mexico such as Los Alamos Laboratories. Others, especially those whose specialties were in rocketry and various types of experimental aircraft were transferred to places such as White Sands missile ranges and adjacent desert areas where many tests of various types were conducted in 1946, 1947 and 1948.
(Even in recent years, the presence of German pilots in air bases such as Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico has been quite noticeable. Holloman Air Force Base seems to have had a special relationship with the German Air Force for many years.)

It is quite possible that “cover stories” along with disinformation tactics (and even "staged" incidents) were used by the U.S. military in order to conceal certain sensitive testings at locations such as White Sands and other nearby desert areas in New Mexico in 1946, 1947 and 1948.

When the CIA was established as a successor organization to OSS in 1947, the role of former German SS officers was quite significant.

The same can be said of NSA, which was also established in 1947.

The intentional creation of paranoia (as well as creation of conspiracy theories, to a great extent) was a minor but important element in the vast areas of intelligence operations that the CIA and other U.S. agencies have acquired all these years from the former SS agents.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Religion, a thorny issue in ufology, even for UFO Disclosure

Religion is indeed a thorny issue, no doubt about it.
Religion is basically about beliefs.
In this sense, beliefs in UFOs (especially as physical spacecraft piloted by advanced, physical extra-terrestrial entities, hopefully to save our planet from eventual destruction and help us bring in the New Age) is, unfortunately, still no different from religious beliefs.

Therefore, if there ever will be a full UFO Disclosure that will validate such reality, then such religious beliefs will completely disappear.

The so-called Christian ufology seems to have made a definite inroad into this strange field, especially in recent years. Christian ufology, for the most part, postulates that UFOs are demonic manifestations of malevolent, fallen angels preparing to deceive mankind for the last time before Christ returns.

Many fundamentalist Christians also seem to hold the belief that two thirds of angelic entities in this entire universe are benevolent and that the remaining one third are the fallen entities that are deceptively posing as emissaries from advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations.

I began UFO research around 1962 and was a strong proponent of the E.T. hypothesis of the origins of UFOs. However, around 1978 I began to abandon such hypothesis.

I was affected by John A. Keel and others, such as Dr. Jacques Vallee who postulated that the UFO phenomenon may not necessarily be of E.T. origin. The book that influenced me most was THE EDGE OF REALITY (1975), written by Dr. Vallee and Dr. Allen Hynek.

To be honest, even today I am uncertain as to what 'reality' really is.

John A. Keel once said that 'ufology' is equivalent to 'demonology'. And John A. Keel never even described himself as a Christian ufologist, nor has Dr. Vallee.

John A. Keel and Dr. Jacques Vallee remain two of my greatest heroes in ufology.

The bottom line is that we all need to look beyond our linear thinking and not be enslaved by the so-called empirical science and its methodology. We need to depart from the physical, nuts-and-bolts concept of ufology.I do not mind the mainstream categorizing ufology as "pseudo-science".

Moreover, what is more truly amazing is that the study of "dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "ultra-dimensionalities", etc. are part of quantum physics. Therefore, surprisingly enough, there is a fine line between "pseudo-science" and "dimensional" studies.

Finally, on a strange note, if a full UFO Disclosure really were to be made, it would have to be made either by the alleged UFO entities themselves or by the government, or possibly even together.

Personally I believe that the day that happens (whichever one will come out first to disclose) many people will feel that it will be one of the greatest days in earth's history.

On the other hand, some other people may feel that it will be the beginning of the end of the system of things in an ominous way.

Whatever the case will be, EVERYTHING in this world will change forever from that point on......EVERYTHING !!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Why I believe that full UFO "Disclosure" is almost impossible for the U.S. or other governments

by Norio Hayakawa
October 5, 2009

The recently aired TV documentary "I Know What I Saw" (shown on October 4, 2009 on the History Channel) was certainly one of the best for that genre.
However, it is my opinion that no matter how convincing (especially to the "believers") a documentary is made, we still have a long long ways to go before the mainstream will de-categorize UFOs and UFO-related topics from the realm of "pseudo-science" to mainstream reality.

The recent UFO files "disclosures" from France, Great Britain, etc. are definitely the right steps. Nevertheless, simply releasing such files to the public will do very little to make the vast majority of the public accept the reality of UFOs and its consequences.

First of all, what the public needs is an unprecedented official statement from the government that UFOs are real. But no government so far has officially come out and declared that UFOs are real. The difficulty is not only "logistics" involving such announcements. Which agency would make such announcements? And after such announcements are made, then what next?

Once such announcements are made, then the public will demand more. The public will not be satisfied simply by being told that the UFO phenomenon is real. They will demand answers and further explanations........and it is my opinion that NO GOVERNMENT (INCLUDING THE U.S. GOVERNMENT) will dare come up with explanations, simply because the governments themselves have always been baffled (and will continue to be baffled) by the paranormal, non-physical aspects and incomprehensible behavioral patterns of this phenomenon and the inscrutable (and even what could only be described as mischievous, illogical and occasionally even sinister) nature of some of the so-called "entities" who are supposedly piloting or maneuvering these objects.

The governments may even have realized that those "entities" may not even be "advanced" extra-terrestrial visitors at all but may even be some unknown, ultra-dimensional force playing some endless mind "games" with us and manipulating our belief systems for some unknown agenda.

Yes, we may have had thousands and thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands of qualified eye-witnesses to the phenomenon all these years, especially since the end of World War II and even before then.

But untold number of eye-witnesses does not necessarily prove that UFOs are physical, advanced extra-terrestrial spacecraft and that we are being visited by physical, advanced beings from outer space.

In more than 60 years of the so-called modern era of UFO sightings (and even before 1947), we have yet to come up with any single, solid, tangible, irrefutable physical evidence that we are being visited by such advanced, extra-terrestrial civilization.

Accounts of crashes of some of these objects (such as the alleged 1947 Roswell "incident") do not prove much. Moreover, it is my belief that such crashes are not likely, if we consider that these objects are from highly advanced civilizations.

For example, if the Roswell crash of 1947 really did happen, it may not even have been a totally physical incident and may have completely baffled the government. It may even have been intentionally "staged" by an unknown force (possibly in "forced"collusion with a small, secretive group within the government which may have been unwittingly but selectively contacted by such "unknown" force) as part of a gradual, conditioning of belief systems of the public in order to fulfill a future global agenda).

However, I cannot definitely state that this is so.

In any case, the bottom line is that the UFO phenomenon is real.

It is my opinion that the rest of the government ( i.e., the non-secretive majority among the elitist circles within the government) is not ready and will continue to be hesitant to explain that the phenomenon is more than physical and, furthermore, that it may not necessarily be of extra-terrestrial origin. Neither is the vast majority of the public ready to accept such realities unless there is a consciousness shift that will involve the whole humanity as a collective unit.

Simply stated, the government is not in the business of explaining paranormal realities such as possible ultra-dimensional realities. Such realities are intertwined with belief systems, including religious belief systems.

I truly hope for full Disclosure. However, only some unprecedented eschatological global crises or inexplicable global shift in consciousness may be the time when such Disclosures could be made for the benefit of humanity.

October 11, 2009:

Religion is indeed a thorny issue, no doubt about it. Religion is basically about beliefs.
In this sense, beliefs in UFOs (especially as physical spacecraft piloted by advanced, physical extra-terrestrial entities, hopefully to save our planet from eventual destruction and help us bring in the New Age) is, unfortunately, still no different from religious beliefs.

Therefore, if there ever will be a full UFO Disclosure that will validate such reality, then such religious beliefs will completely disappear.

The so-called Christian ufology seems to have made a definite inroad into this strange field, especially in recent years. Christian ufology, for the most part, postulates that UFOs are demonic manifestations of malevolent, fallen angels preparing to deceive mankind for the last time before Christ returns.

Many fundamentalist Christians also seem to hold the belief that two thirds of angelic entities in this entire universe are benevolent and that the remaining one third are the fallen entities that are deceptively posing as emissaries from advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations.

I began UFO research around 1962 and was a strong proponent of the E.T. hypothesis of the origins of UFOs. However, around 1978 I began to abandon such hypothesis.

I was affected by John A. Keel and others, such as Dr. Jacques Vallee who postulated that the UFO phenomenon may not necessarily be of E.T. origin.
The book that influenced me most was THE EDGE OF REALITY (1975), written by Dr. Vallee and Dr. Allen Hynek.

To be honest, even today I am uncertain as to what 'reality' really is.

John A. Keel once said that 'ufology' is equivalent to 'demonology'. And John A. Keel never even described himself as a Christian ufologist, nor has Dr. Vallee.
John A. Keel and Dr. Jacques Vallee remain two of my greatest heroes in ufology.

The bottom line is that we all need to look beyond our linear thinking and not be enslaved by the so-called empirical science and its methodology. We need to depart from the physical, nuts-and-bolts concept of ufology.

I do not mind the mainstream categorizing ufology as "pseudo-science". Moreover, what is more truly amazing is that the study of "dimensions", "parallel dimensions", "ultra-dimensionalities", etc. are part of quantum physics.

Therefore, surprisingly enough, there seems to be a fine line between "pseudo-science" and "dimensional" studies.

Finally, on a strange note, if a full UFO Disclosure really were to be made, it would have to be made either by the alleged UFO entities themselves or by the government, or possibly even together.

Personally I believe that the day that happens (whichever one will come out first to disclose) many people will feel that it will be one of the greatest days in earth's history. On the other hand, some other people may feel that it will be the beginning of the end of the system of things in an ominous way.

Whatever the case will be, EVERYTHING in this world will change forever from that point on....EVERYTHING !!

Monday, September 28, 2009

2012 and the occultic symbolism of "33 degrees"?


Here is an interesting item from the Internet:


The numbers 33 and 3 are both prominently featured in occult doctrine. Ancient mythology teaches that the "sons of God" (fallen angels cast out of Heaven with Lucifer?) landed on earth on Mount Hermon. It was then in Phoenicia; now in Israel.

Its altitude makes it Israel's primary strategic early warning system.

This was the first location of "extraterrestrial" influence on man. Using the old Paris Meridian, this lies exactly at 33.33 degrees north and 33.33 degrees east. It is also 2012 miles from the equator and 2012 miles from the Paris Meridian. The Paris Meridian is the meridian to which many ancient structures are aligned. The number of nautical miles in 33.33 degrees of the earth is 2012.9.

This corresponds to the year, month and day (December 21, 2012) that the ancient Mayans believed their calendar would end. Many believe that December 21, 2012 is the date that the "sons of God" will return to earth and establish a new world order. They will be led by a powerful "unearthly" ruler.

Will this be the return of the Nephilim through dimensional gates or "stargates"?
(*Some equate the return of the Nephilim with the literal or symbolical return of Mesoamerican deity, Quetzalcoatl - - the "Flying Serpent").

Will this be the awaited antichrist? Do Nephilim need space craft to enter this dimension?

Was Roswell one such craft?

(*Was the 1947 Roswell incident an intentionally "staged" incident by an unknown force - in collusion with a small, select, secretive group within our government - to condition us for what is to come?)

(*It is interesting to note that the alleged location of the alleged Roswell "crash" is said to be exactly on 33.33 degrees latitude, which, again is 2012 miles from the equator).

Masons believe that this "new age" or "new world order" will come out of chaos. Is "Chaos" beginning now? Will it get more and more chaotic than it is in 2009?


*my comments (by Norio Hayakawa)

(By the way, coincidentally or not, .3333 ad infinitum is the decimal expression of one third. Is this somehow related to the one third of angelic entities who rebelled against the Creator/Designer and fell from the heavenly domain? Also, .666 ad infinitum could be a symbol of human nature. Therefore, .3333 ad infinitum and .666 ad infinitum added (i.e., .999999 ad infinitum) will never reach a whole number, i.e., a completeness or the complete Being or the perfect Designer of this universe.

Also it is fascinating that Jesus fulfilled his sacrificial mission precisely at the age of 33, allowing himself to be the sacrificial lamb, himself assuming all sins and nailing all humanity's sins on the cross for our freedom.)

Reference: Nephilim Stargates - the year 2012 and the return of the Watchers, by Thomas R. Horn

Monday, July 20, 2009

Strange behavior of Col. John Alexander in the early 1990's


The Civilian Intelligence Network's focus has been on the study of how a segment of the population's "beliefs in UFOs" (as physical alien spacecraft) may have been manipulated (and in some cases, may even have been created) and taken advantage of by the U.S. intelligence community and by the military in certain counter intelligence programs and operations.

E-mail =

In the early 1990's I had a chance to visit a Col. John Alexander at his office in Las Vegas.
Apparently he had just moved in to that office there.

He was quite cordial.

We asked him some questions about non-lethal weapons systems and their applications.

I even asked him a couple of questions about "thanatology".
It was quite interesting.

However, towards the end of the interview we asked him a question about "UFOs".
As soon as he heard us mention "UFOs", his attitude suddenly changed and he became totally upset.
He then scolded us and told us never to bring up that topic again.
He said that he had absolutely no interest in "UFOs".

Anyway, upon leaving his office (after we apologized to him) , he led us the way out of his office.
As soon as he started walking towards the hallway to lead us out of his office, I instantly went behind his desk and had a quick look at his computer screen.
To my amazement, his computer screen showed a partial list of UFO organizations and researchers.
To this day, I have no idea what to think of him and this experience there in his office.

This is why I still have a difficult time trusting the ultimate goal of organizations such as the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), financed and headed by Robert Bigelow of Las Vegas.
Col. John Alexander was under the payroll of Robert Bigelow in the 1990s.
(He still may be, even today).
My fear has been that the goal of NIDS is to dominate and control the flow of UFO information and to infiltrate organizations such as MUFON, through their vast financial resources.
I could have been wrong on this. I still am not sure.


By the way, here is the response I got from Col. Alexander:

You are lying. Have no idea why. I've always been open to discussing UFO topic.
Your blog piece is mostly fabrication.
If you believe what you wrote, run, don't walk for the nearest shrink.
Feel free to post that.
John Alexander

There was no fabrication. I simply reported my experience at his office. I was right there with 3 Japanese journalists/researchers. How can I forget that experience!

My visits with Lyndon LaRouche and Victor Marchetti in 1994


The Civilian Intelligence Network's focus has been on the study of how a segment of the population's "beliefs in UFOs" (as physical alien spacecraft) may have been manipulated (and in some cases, may even have been created) and taken advantage of by the U.S. intelligence community and by the military in certain counter intelligence programs and operations.

E-mail =

My visits with Lyndon LaRouche and Victor Marchetti in 1994

by Norio Hayakawa, July 20, 2009

Yesterday I was just thinking how fortunate I am to be able to tell my friends today that about 15 years ago I had a unique opportunity to personally visit two of the most fascinating individuals I have ever met in my life, even though, in retrospect, I may not totally agree or subscribe to their beliefs, politically or otherwise.


If I recall, it was in 1994 that an author by the name of Masami Uno and I went to Virginia to interview a gentleman by the name of Lyndon LaRouche. At that time I had no idea who Lyndon LaRouche was. I was only accompanying Mr. Uno as an interpreter at that time.

I clearly remember that our driver drove us for miles and miles on loose gravelled roads and dirt roads in sparsely populated hilly region of Virginia.

Finally after miles and miles of driving in that hilly area, we reached what appeared to be a very large, isolated country-style wooden residence located on a hilltop.

When we arrived there, I recall that there were several men standing in front that looked to me like plain-clothes guards, protecting the residence.

From that moment on I got the feeling that Mr. LaRouche must have been a very controversial person.

As I said, I was together with Mr. Uno, acting only as an interpreter to interview Mr. LaRouche.

Even while we were interviewing him in the living room, I could clearly tell that several men who also sat near him were most likely body guards.

By the way, I had never met such a highly intellectual individual as Mr. LaRouche. He answered each of our questions precisely and completely without wasting any single word.

I remember that each word that came from the mouth of Mr. LaRouche was perfectly juxtaposed with other perfectly chosen words in his highly complex sentence structure. It was totally amazing.

In other words, even though each of his complete sentence was very long, it was flawless.
It was as if he were reading verbatim from a highly academic doctorate thesis.
I was just totally mesmerized by it. I had never met anyone who spoke so eloquently as Mr. LaRouche.


The other person that I was very fortunate in visiting with in 1994 was a gentleman by the name of Victor Marchetti.

He lived in a very nice, cozy country-style home in a quiet wooded suburb area of Virginia.
He was quite jolly person, very kind and was full of humor.

Not knowing then who Mr. Marchetti was (again, I was acting only as an interpreter for Mr. Uno), I was quite impressed with the man.
His hospitality to us was so heart-warming.

I had no idea at that time that Mr. Marchetti was a well-known individual who had written a book called CIA: The Cult of Intelligence.

I was quite shocked later when Mr. Uno mentioned to me that Mr. Marchetti at one time was an assistant to the Deputy CIA Director.

As I stated before, even though (in retrospect), I may not totally agree with or subscribe to their political beliefs, I was truly impressed and even today I feel so fortunate to know that I had spent a few precious hours with these highly intelligent and intellectual personalities at their respective residences back in 1994.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Dulce, New Mexico, Bio-warfare and Project Blue Beam


by Norio Hayakawa
April 16, 2009

There seems to have been an allegation that the government, beginning in the mid 1970s and lasting till the early 1980s, may have conducted clandestine operations in and near Dulce, New Mexico involving experiments with bovine diseases, anthrax and other substances as part of biological warfare research.

See the following clip on cattle mutilations that took place in the Dulce area in the late 1970s (History Channel, March 25, 2009):

Was there a cover-up in Dulce, New Mexico?
Were there some illegal dumping or storage of toxic chemicals and other bio-hazardous materials in the nearby areas?
Did the 1967 underground atomic blast which took place 22 miles southwest of Dulce (Project Gasbuggy) produce slow but irreversible radiation leaks in the environment?
Did the U.S. government begin its periodic monitoring of the radiation levels of certain animals (some cows in the region) from the mid 1970s?

Is it possible that the government intentionally created a convenient cover story (i.e., the underground alien base scenario) to conceal those clandestine activities?

(Incidentally, the Four Corners area of New Mexico as well as the regions east of the Four Corners area have been known to be an area with high frequencies of sightings of strange flying objects as well as claims of paranormal activities, especially after World War II.
This remote region, filled with deep-rooted cultural and spiritual beliefs of the Native Americans such as the Jicarilla Apache Nation of Dulce, may have been an ideal and convenient location to conduct clandestine operations as far as the government was concerned.)

And if this were the case, was it possible for the government to have staged a series of fake UFO-type incidents in the area, utilizing high tech equipment such as holographic projection devices?

Former New Mexico State Patrol officer, Gabe Valdez, who was in charge of the Dulce area during those years, seems to think so. Recently he told me personally that he is convinced that appearances of UFOs were staged by the government through such devices.
I totally concur with Gabe Valdez on this matter.

I bring this up because early in 1994 I had corresponded with a Canadian investigative journalist by the name of Serge Monast who first informed me of NASA's alleged project called BLUE BEAM. (Unfortunately, I learned only two years later that Serge Monast passed away of a massive heart attack at his residence in Canada).

I hereby present my hypothesis that the government may have conducted a limited-scale, prototype BLUE BEAM operations in Dulce during the height of the cattle mutilations years and staged a series of UFO incidents in that area.

For more information on Dulce, New Mexico, please go to:


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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction? conference ends --A FULL REPORT!!


The Civilian Intelligence Network's focus has been on the study of how a segment of the population's "beliefs in UFOs" (as physical alien spacecraft) and "beliefs in popular conspiracy theories" may have been manipulated (and in some cases, may even have been created) and taken advantage of by the U.S. intelligence community and by the military in certain counter intelligence propaganda and operations.

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by Norio Hayakawa
March 30, 2009

Dulce Base Conference Ends With More Questions Than Answers

DULCE, NEW MEXICO -- Close to 120 people showed up for the first "underground base" conference ever to be held in Dulce, New Mexico on Sunday, March 29.
The event made a rather tumultuous start at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn at 10 a.m.
By that time the entire bar lounge area began to be filled beyond capacity..
And by the time the first speaker (former Dulce ranch owner, Edmund Gomez) began his presentation, many people had to stand and wait in the adjacent restaurant area.

It was then that the Fire Department issued a warning saying that the conference must immediately be moved elsewhere. Halfway through the speaker's fascinating presentation, the Fire Department issued a stern second warning saying that the number of people inside the conference room far exceeded its capacity.

Panic then began to be felt by the event's organizer, Norio Hayakawa of Rio Rancho.
Hotel employees frantically made phone calls to find out if there were any other locations available for the conference to go on.

It was then that Hoyt Velarde, former Dulce police officer and head of Public Safety Department, suggested to Hayakawa that the conference be moved to a civic hall inside a small shopping center across the street from the hotel.
With Velarde's swift assistance in making the arrangement, and after a short intermission, the entire Dulce Base: Fact or Fiction? conference and public forum finally resumed and continued the rest of the day at the new location.

As an interesting side note, on Sunday morning when it was still dark outside, many guests at the Best Western Jicarilla Inn were awakened shortly before 6 a.m. by a thunderous roar of blades of helicopters above.
Local residents nearby reported that there was a rare low flight of two military helicopters above Dulce.
In the afternoon session of the conference, two local residents also testified that they witnessed the military helicopters circling above Dulce and that they passed slowly above the hotel. They told Hayakawa that there are occasional appearances of military helicopters over the town but the flights were never as low as what they saw early Sunday morning.

As organizer and moderator of this conference, Hayakawa several times alluded to an allegation that the government, beginning in the early 1970s and lasting till the early 1980s, may have conducted clandestine operations in the area involving experiments with bovine diseases, anthrax and other substances as part of biological warfare research.
He also alluded to another allegation that there may also have been some illegal dumping or storage of toxic chemicals and other bio-hazardous materials in the nearby areas.

Hayakawa stated that he tends to support a theory that the government may have purposefully created some 'convenient' cover stories (underground alien base concept) to conceal those clandestine activities and may even have staged a series of fake 'UFO-type' incidents in the area, utilizing high tech equipment such as holographic projection devices.
However he also stated that he cannot deny any possibility that there may indeed be some unknown interdimensional phenomenon in the area which happens to be filled with fascinating cultural and spiritual beliefs of the Jicarilla Apache nation.

The speakers at the conference and their main points expressed were as follows:

Edmund Gomez, spokesman for the entire Gomez family who owned a large ranch in Dulce said that their ranch lost more than 17 cows during the height of cattle mutilations incidents and experienced substantial financial loss over the years. Gomez stated that gas masks were found near the mutilation sites and that specific cows were each tracked with phosphorescent markings a few days before the mutilations actually took place.. He is convinced that this was done by the government and that no aliens were involved. He asserted that the government was conducting some type of germ warfare experiments. He concluded by stating that there is definitely a governmental underground facility there.

Hoyt Velarde, former Dulce police officer and head of Public Safety Department asserted that he has not located the base yet but it is an undeniable fact that there have been (and still are) many UFO sightings in the area. Velarde even suggested that he is willing to organize an escorted group expedition soon for the public to the top of the Archuleta Mesa if such a request is made in earnest. He surprised the attendees also by saying that another conference on this topic could even be held next time in the conference hall of the Police Department there. Hayakawa said that he may consider this offer.

Gabe Valdez, former New Mexico state patrol officer in charge of the Dulce area stated that he investigated numerous cattle mutilation cases in the Dulce area from the mid 1970s to the early 1980s. He declared that this has nothing to do with aliens but that there is something there that is too sensitive for discussion and refused to further divulge what that was.

Christopher O' Brien, researcher of paranormal activities in the San Luis Valley of Southern Colorado asserted that Dulce may be a diversion for what is more importantly taking place in the San Luis Valley just north of northern New Mexico.

Dr. Michael E. Salla, initiator of "exopolitics" and author of a book entitled EXPOSING U.S. GOVERNMENT POLICIES ON EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE expressed his belief that there is a joint US/alien underground bio-lab beneath the Archuleta Mesa and that this must be addressed as a serious human rights abuse issue.

Greg Bishop, author of PROJECT BETA, a book in which he describes in detail his investigations of the claims of an Albuquerque scientist by the name of Paul Bennewitz, said that Bennewitz was the initial source behind the rumors of the underground base in Dulce. Bishop asserted that Bennewitz was side tracked by an unofficial disinformation campaign to get him to look away from evidence of sensitive military projects going on in 1979 inside Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque. However, Bishop surprised everyone when he said at the end that he is now beginning to doubt his initial doubt about Dulce and concluded that there could indeed be something there.

Gabe Julian, former Dulce police officer who worked under the late Raleigh Tafoya, former Dulce Police Chief described his encounters with three metallic, oval-shaped object hovering at a tree-top level at a ranch in Dulce. He described how he was dispatched to the ranch house of a woman who claimed that small people with strange boxes emitting light were harassing her. Initially skeptical of what his radio dispatcher told him, he drove over to the area and was shaken up when he witnessed those hovering objects there.

Dennis Balthaser, a well-known UFO researcher from Roswell, New Mexico expressed his conviction that there is a US/alien joint biological laboratory and base under the Archuleta Mesa.

Keith Ealy, a researcher with a fascinating interpretation of Dulce as being a space time portal for interdimensionals amazed the audience with his close-up satellite imagery of Dulce Elementary School building.
He told the audience that the contours of the parking lot resemble an ancient stone scupture in Bolivia. He concluded that the Dulce area is filled with interdimentional phenomenon, a topic similarly shared by world famous researchers, Dr. Jacques Vallee and John Keel.

Here is an excellent report about the Dulce Base conference and its conclusion: Also, the Albuquerque Journal had a front page story today (March 30) about the conference. The headline which appeared at the bottom of the front page was "UFO Hunters Debate Underground Base". And on page 3 the headline for the continuing story was: "Secret Alien Base in N.M.?"

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