Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lonnie Zamora, former patrol officer (1964 Socorro, New Mexico UFO incident) passed away on November 2, 2009

I was quite saddened to learn of the passing away of Lonnie Zamora (1933- Nov. 2, 2009).
He was a former patrol officer of Socorro, New Mexico, who, on April 24 of 1964, reported a truly amazing flying saucer sighting in the desert outside the town. It was one of the most well-known UFO cases in history.

I clearly remember seeing the news article on April 25 on the front page of a newspaper in Japan. The headline was: POLICE OFFICER SEES SAUCER SITTING ON SAND.

That news item had a tremendous impact on me.
I probably would never have gotten myself involved in this intriguing field of ufology had it not been for the Lonnie Zamora incident.

I can say that the Socorro incident was one of several reasons I decided to come to New Mexico in 1965. I had a pleasure of briefly conversing with him on the phone a few years ago. He was a very courteous and kind man. He will be greatly missed.

Here is an article about his passing away and a well-written eulogy by Ray Stanford:

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