Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dulce, New Mexico revisited - mysteries still remain !!


(March 28,, 2007):

(after reading the following item, please be sure to read the items to follow and comments - very important)

DULCE, NEW MEXICO - On Sunday, March 25, 2007, I finally arrived at Dulce, New Mexico once again, after more than 17 years. It was a long drive from Los Angeles but it was definitely a worthwhile trip. The last time that I was at this "mysterious" little town was in March of 1990.I will never forget that 1990 visit when I first brought a Japanese TV crew, incredible as it may sound, to document an alleged existence of an "underground U.S./alien joint bio-lab" which was rumored to exist deep under the Archuleta Mesa, adjacent to Dulce. While interviewing many Jicarilla Apache locals on the street at that visit, we were inexplicably detained by the then Police Chief, Hoyt Velarde and kept at his office for almost an hour and a half, during which time he had meticulously taken down our personal info, i.e., our ID's, driver's licence numbers and, in my case, even my Soc. Sec. number, if I recall correctly. It was a shock to us then. We had asked him if we were doing anything illegal by interviewing the people, the question to which he never responded. I clearly remember that just before he released us, he told us in a rather warning tone: "Don't you ever ask any more questions regarding such a base. I have nothing to do! with it and I do not want to talk about it!" An enigmatic answer, indeed. That was in March of 1990.

Now here I am once again, in Dulce. It brought me back lots of memories of 1990. However, this time, as soon as I drove in to Dulce, I immediately noticed that it had completely changed since 1990.It seems to have grown quite a lot, not so much in terms of population, but in terms of its physical appearance. There are now so many new buildings, large and small and many modern local community facilites - a brand new Middle School, a brand new High School, a new Students' Athletic Complex, brand new Police and Maintenance Center, a modern Emergency Medical Service facility, and on the south side, a brand new Student's Residential Complex, and, of course, a newly refurbished Best Western Hotel, all in the small community of less than 3500 residents.Yes, it has been many years, so it would seem natural for some growth to take place. However, the question I began to think was where did all the funds for all these sudden developments come from? And, especially, for such a tiny town?

When I interviewed the locals in 1990, I clearly remember that almost every one of them had testified to us that in the late 70's and the early 80's, they had frequently observed strange lights in the sky, especially flying over and around, and even appearing to disappear into the sides of the Mesa. They even testified to us that they also frequently observed military helicopters over Dulce, along with reports of cattle mutilations in the ranches nearby. Those were the things we heard back then when we were in Dulce in 1990.To my great surprise, sightings still seem to continue in and around Dulce, even now!!Even recent sightings of what many describe as "Bigfoot" along the Navajo River is also a fairly new topic of conversation in Dulce now.

I was so fortunate this time to personally get to know a friendly family who lives in the northwest area of the town. I had gotten to know the husband while I was attending the UFO syposium in Aztec the weekend before. During my three days of stay in Dulce this time, I have obtained many new, fascinating sighting reports from many locals again, particularly from the family that I just mentioned and their relatives.On my second day of stay in Dulce, this family invited me to their residence for a great meal. They had also invited their relatives who were willing to describe to me in detail many strange experiences they have had and even are having now. For this reason, I will refrain from naming any individuals to protect their privacy.

My friend's wife told me of a fairly recent incident whereby a huge, silent delta-shaped dark object emitting extremely bright lights slowly passed over a group of 50 to 75 (all their relatives) on a mesa where they were celebrating a traditional Jicarilla Apache feast called the "coming out" feast, a "puberty" celebration for young boys and girls (similar to the Spanish quincenera celebration). The huge object appeared after sundown, an hour or so after their traditional meals had ended and after the shamans had completed their chantings and dances. They were simply stunned to see the huge triangular 'craft' hovering only about 100 feet above the campground. The entire area lit up like daylight. What was more amazing was that after a few minutes of hovering over the area, it suddenly took off with a tremendous gust of wind. Pots and pans were flying all over. Some of the people were almost thrown off their vehicles. Fortunately! , no one was injured. Panic spread. The generators failed to re-start and all battery-operated appliances malfunctioned, including the car radios.Another recent incident they recounted was a daytime sighting of a silver, saucer-shaped object at around 11 a.m., which hovered for 30 minutes right next to Hwy 537, not too far from the junction of U.S. 64, north of La Jara Lake.

One relative also recounted a recent, unforgettable sighting of a huge, flying "triangle" near Hwy 537, near J-30 (Jicrailla Road, #30), with some type of a "cloaking device" that almost appeared to have a transparent body. The object was described to have been close to half-a-mile in length!!The biggest and most impressive sighting, however, took place in May of 2004 when several families were celebrating together the feast on a Jicarilla Apache campground, located at an area near J-33 and J-40, right near the Continental Divide. Incredibly, it involved hundreds (not just one or two objects) of brilliant objects in the night sky. It literally filled up the entire sky, according to the testimony. There were close to 100 witnesses to this incredible incident. Some even said that there were probably close to several hundred objects in the night sky. They moved en masse slowly from one end of the sky to the other. It was literally an "armada" of UFOs (which exactly reminded me of the famous, well-documented 1950 mass sightings of UFOs over Farmington, near the Four Corners ara of New Mexico).What was particularly fascinating about this sighting was that everyone also saw a small fleet of military helicopters which seemed to follow the objects. Again, car radios went dead all through the sighting.An interesting point is that many of the appearances of UFOs seem to coincide with various feasts taking place in the Jicarilla Apache reservation. Were 'they' attracted to the Jicarilla feasts?

Last but not the least of the impressive Dulce sightings involved a Jicarilla Apache Forerst Service ranger who witnessed a 'craft' of some kind enter the east side of the Archuleta Mesa through several large rocks that appeared to open (almost like a door) and in went the craft into the side of the mesa. He excitedly reported this sighting live on his microphone while he was communicating on his radio with the Forest Service station across the south side of Dulce. The ranger was stationed at the top of the Archuleta Mesa in the look-out building next to the radio communications tower. This took place a few years after a big fire destroyed many of the trees on and around the mesa. (What is still strange about the aftermath of the fire, which they say happened about 10 years ago, is the fact that all attempts for the re-forestation have so far failed on and around the Archuleta Mesa. They just don't seem to grow, for some st! range reason or other.What is my conclusion to all these recent sightings in Dulce?

These were all first-hand eyewitnesses to the events. Without doubt, I cannot help but believe that they all saw what they described to have seen. There is no other explanation.

Lastly, while in Dulce, I had a priviledge to be taken to the site of Project Gasbuggy. Project Gasbuggy was a rather 'strange' 1967 government project which involved a large underground nuclear explosion (29 kilotons of TNT) deep inside the high plateau area 25 miles south of Dulce, allegedly to release natural gas from deep under the ground. It was a joint project with El Paso Natural Gas Company. What is not frequently mentioned in association with this curious project was that the huge nuclear explosion had created, deep, huge underground extensive caverns all over the area along with extensive natural "tunnels".

What this has to do with the ongoing sightings of not only "UFOs" but also alleged sightings of "entities" (including fairly recent sightings of alleged 'Bigfoot' along the Navajo River near Dulce) is up to the reader. We may not necessarily be talking about purely physical phenomena but somehow intertwined with it could be a yet unknown type of "interdimensional" occurrances.But, of course, we cannot rule out any prosaic answers. One theory is that the town of Dulce is benefitting financially by allegedly covering up the dumping of nuclear waste materials (from Los Alamos and elsewhere) into the underground cavities under Dulce and its neighboring areas and have created the entire Dulce "underground base" story as a cover story!Whatever the case may be, it is simply fascinating!! And it is still ongoing in the "mysterious" town of Dulce, New Mexico!!
(end of the story which I wrote in 2007)

Some researchers have been on the mesa. Here is one report from a well-known researcher (name withheld for privacy) who had camped overnight on the Mesa:


"I have been researching the alleged UFO incident near Aztec, New Mexico for almost 20 years. Aztec, New Mexico is only a few hours drive to Dulce, and I decided to see if I could find anything to the 'Dulce Mystery'. In over 176 trips to the Four Corners area from my home in North Carolina, I have had two occasions to go to the top of the Archuleta peak and camp overnight.

I have also found entrances as to where there had been some tunneling done and covered over with gahnite (spray concrete). After doing some research with J. Andy Kissner who at the time was a State Representative for New Mexico, we did find evidence that a mining operation took place in the late '40's that was connected to the Manhattan Project.

Apparently the Atomic Energy Commission was looking for a place to store "waste material" and to hollow out the mountain was a cheaper option than storing it in Los Alamos. The mining operation stopped after a disagreement between State and Federal funding. That's the story we got and I have given you the very condensed version.

Small narrow gauge railroad rails are still left behind as evidence to the mining operation. The tunnel entrances can still be seen on the western slope of the mesa. As you arrive in town, turn left toward the old Gambling Casino. This is before you would make the "s" turn heading toward the Best Western Hotel. Drive down that "new" looking two lane road to where it comes to a "t". You will cross a bridge and an old railroad bridge will be on your right.
On your left is the old water tower for the steam engines. Down along the bank is another old bridge that is lying on the banks of the Navajo River. At the "t" in the road, go right and follow the river which will be on your right side. Go to the remains of the old bridge pillars (on your right and an old bridge that goes nowhere). Look up to the north and you can see the old entrance.

Be extremely careful as that land is property of the Jicarilla Apache Reservation and they WILL FINE you up to $10,000 for trespassing. The best way around this is to purchase a fishing license at the Best Western Hotel and will be "safe" to be around the river. Purchase some fishing poles and some bait. The fishing is great.

I was detained for about 20 minutes back in early 2000. The Police Officers that detained me were Caucasian, not Indian. They were very interested as to why we were walking around the river and taking pictures. We were released after a brief warning.

To get to the top is rather tricky. As you follow the road along the river, you will find a road on your left that will take you toward the top, but the road has washed away. You must bear to the right and cut up through a valley and by-pass the washed out road. This trip is only possible with not only four wheel drive, but a high center vehicle as well. The Hertz Car Rental at the Farmington Airport has high center four wheel drive vehicles.

Once you are on the summit, you are no longer on Indian Reservation. The top of the mesa is owned by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management). It's getting to the top is a little tricky. Please note that at one point you will be crossing over the Southern Ute Reservation. They DO NOT ISSUE crossing permits. You will be trespassing for about 1, 200 feet. This is about the 3/4 mark to get to the top. You will actually cross into Colorado at one point.

Once at the summit, you will see the remains of some mining equipment that was left behind. I don't know or would guess as to a "UFO base". But they sure are sensitive as to who is out walking around there. Mabe the Atomic Energy Commission got their way and they did store nuclear waste in the mountain at one point". (END QUOTE)

(Check out the Project Gasbuggy of 1967 whereby the U.S. Government did conduct an experimental nuclear explosion about 2 miles under an area about 22 miles southwest of Dulce, allegedly to ease the flow of natural gas in the area, although scientists say that no artificial tunnels or caverns were created by such experiments - since Gasbuggy was simply a shaft device and that all shaft areas were obliterated, buried and filled with concrete - courtesy of R. Gates, through STA Network )

Were the 'rumors' of Dulce underground 'alien' base intentionally created as a 'cover story' (perhaps even by the very Jicarilla Apache Tribe themselves) to discredit any public scrutiny into the area? I hope that this was not the case.

Even if Dulce had absolutely nothing to do with such, it is important to bring out the fact that the biggest problem and headache for the military's so-called "Black Projects" programs (various classified special weapons Research, Development and Testing programs) is not the projects themselves but the problem of how to dispose, dump and conceal inevitably high volume of toxic waste products (including nuclear waste materials as well as other highly toxic chemicals and substances). This has always been the biggest headache faced by specific defense contractors involved in such special programs. Within the past decade or so, civilian watchdog agencies such as the Federation of American Scientists have uncovered several illegal dumping incidents of highly toxic chemical materials by some of those programs, including one at Area 51. The question is how widespread is the military's dumping of waste products in remote locations? Were rumors of "underground bases" convenient cover stories concocted to conceal such problems?
Norio Hayakawa




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